好消息- 2018年1月


星期一来了, 3月5日, 2018年首尔大学校园, and live streamed to host sites across the South Central Region and beyond, the Spring Pastor’s Forum promises to be packed with great inspiration, practical teaching and resources to encourage you in your calling to ministry.

Presented by the Resource Center for Pastoral Leadership at SNU, 论坛上午9点开始,中午结束. Cost is only $20 per person for three hours of life-long learning enrichment. Attend on campus in the Royce Brown Business Building, 或者在主机站点注册查看, 或者在你的个人电脑上.

特邀演讲嘉宾是. Keith Newman, president of SNU, who will be sharing on 活到最后的领导力,博士。. Jim Fitzgerald, chair of SNU’s School of Theology and Ministry, whose topic is Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness: 资源 for Preaching and Communion in the Holiness Tradition.

扩展 生活上 就职演说中介绍的生活方式. Newman will apply the teaching found in Mark 9:35 to leadership and service in our lives and ministry. Dr. 纽曼将挑战我们的反文化和 生活上就像耶稣那样. Dr. Fitzgerald’s presentation will help pastors provide meaningful connections between their preaching and administration of the sacrament of communion. From giving fresh perspectives on biblical texts for communion sermons, 到用于分发元素的“如何”场景, this seminar will provide resources and give practical advice for pastors. 现在注册!

免费奖金培训! 周一, 3月5日, 2018年下午1:30 - 4:00, also in the Royce Brown Business Building with live streaming provided.

“Prevention of and Response to an Active Shooter in Houses of Worship” 

Presented by the Oklahoma Office of 首页land Security’s certified instructor, Jim McBride. There is NO CHARGE for this vitally important training, but you must 注册 to reserve your seat on campus or at your live streaming site. 学习如何评估你的设施, 以低成本或零成本提高安全性, write an Emergency Operation Plan and implement changes without distractions that alter the worship experience. 这是每个牧师和他的核心领导团队必须要做的!

For more information or to inquire about Forum scholarships, 联系首尔大学教会关系办公室,电话405.491.6314.


南拿撒勒大学’s annual Work and Witness trip for all ages, 赴墨西哥佣金(Com2Mex), 最近结束了其第29年的推广活动. This year’s teams returned with reports of inspiring partnerships, effective ministry and powerful moments of help and healing.

SNU’s 2017-2018 Com2Mex group partnered with nine Nazarene churches in Monterrey, Mexico. 12支队伍提供了基本的建筑技能, 举办假日圣经学校, did community outreach and held open clinics for free medical screening and assistance.

People from all over the United States and Mexico made up this year’s teams, 哪些是在主题下委托的 Go! 学习! 返回! 回应! In addition to the great number of local Nazarenes who participated, two physicians from Mexico City came to Monterrey and worked with our medical teams, greatly enhancing their ability to provide effective screening and treatment.

For the 2017-2018 trip there were 174 participants who took part under the auspices of SNU. The majority of those who served were South Central Region Nazarenes and ten participants were current SNU students.

Highlights of the trip were the bilingual morning devotionals at the work sites each day, and the testimonies at the end of the day about the power of working alongside their Mexican brothers and sisters, 尽管存在语言障碍. Most often expressed was the sense of accomplishment and encouragement everyone experienced from working together to spread the message of God’s love, 带领人们通过基督耶稣得救.

这是对巨大需求的慷慨回应, Com2Mex团队, 从他们的个人资金中, donated a new wheelchair to a paraplegic man who is a member of one of the Monterrey Nazarene churches. Their gift was a tangible expression of the spirit of Christian love and brotherhood that was present throughout this year’s mission.

首尔大学的第30届Com2Mex已经在计划中! You can watch for information about the 2018-2019 trip and see photos from this year’s mission at http://www.facebook.com/groups/SNUMexico. 或者,通过联系教授了解更多关于Com2Mex. 艾琳·鲁格报道 eruger@jsjiagew71.com.

纪念终身服务-博士. 迦勒HERRERA

南拿撒勒大学’s Winter 毕业典礼 took place on December 9, 2017. 除了是博士. Keith Newman’s inaugural 毕业典礼 as president of the university, it was a very special day in the life of a servant-leader of the 拿撒勒人教会.

Dr. Newman’s first selection of a 毕业典礼 speaker was Rev. 迦勒Herrera, 德州-俄克拉何马拉丁区的主管, 哪个是中南部地区的一部分, 拿撒勒人教会. Dr. 纽曼说, “我花了一点时间说服他, 不是因为他没有能力, 而是因为自从我认识他以来, 他总是把别人放在第一位.”

After he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology at BNC/SNU in 1976, Rev. Herrera continued on with a Master of Science in Biology at the University of Texas at San Antonio and embarked on a distinguished career as a Researcher in microbiology at the University of Texas Health Science Center, 也在圣安东尼奥. 同时全职从事研究工作, he also followed his call to ministry by serving as the senior pastor of the Las Palmas 拿撒勒人教会. In 2013, he was elected to the office of Superintendent and began serving as pastor to pastors on his District, 他们中的大多数都是双职业的.

在他的毕业典礼致辞中. Herrera told the amazing story of his life and how God had brought hope, 宽恕, 指导他的父母, 和他, 在他一生中. He shared about his life-changing decision to attend Bethany Nazarene College, where Godly professors shaped his educational and spiritual experiences, 这导致了他的双重职业召唤.

在他的演讲之后,牧师. Herrera是由. Newman for the bestowing of the honorary Doctor of Divinity degree. 在他的演讲中. 纽曼说, “I have watched your life for many years and I’ve been blessed by the many ways you have served others and demonstrated what our university describes as a 生活上 生活方式.” He concluded by saying, “Thank you for modeling servant leadership for us!”

要观看整个毕业典礼,请访问 http://snulive.com 点击"事件"下面的对需求”选项卡.



