首尔大学学生完成暑期研究经验' 22


在首尔大学为期六周的暑期研究体验计划期间, 四组学生进行数学研究项目, 化学, 生物学, 与生态. The 学生 who participated in this program were 艾玛Dilbeck, 迪伦江恩, 克莱顿·霍伯, Caitlynne·哈金斯, 蕾娜米勒, 悉尼奥利弗, Luis Ontiveros, 维多利亚彼得, 韦森特里奥斯, 娜塔莉Shreffler. Each group was led by at least one faculty mentor who guided their research efforts. The 学生 performed research each day from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, 一些小组留到很晚完成令人兴奋的工作. All of the 学生 were expected to read outside material 和 other research to have a better underst和ing of their project.

每个研究小组都有一个更大利益的总体目标. 生物组, 绰号“蚊子群”,” researched mosquito-borne disease surveillance in the Oklahoma City area with the main objective to detect arboviruses such as West Nile Virus, 以及它对公众健康的影响. The 学生 were responsible for trapping 和 identifying mosquitoes by genus 和 species. 然后, 他们从蚊子身上提取RNA, 和, 在收集到的许多物种中, those that are known carriers of diseases were tested by RT-qPCR. 当被问及研究对她的目标有何贡献时, 生物研究学生艾玛·迪尔贝克说, “ [that] this experience has been wonderful 和 has pushed 和 inspired me to want to continue doing research through an MD/P.h.D. 双项目.”

The 化学 group took on the challenge of using different magnetic adsorbents to remove dyes 和 aid in water purification. The 学生 were tasked with making magnetic composites 和 dyes while also determining the concentration 和 absorbance of the solutions. 当被问及到目前为止的经历时, 化学专业学生维多利亚·彼得说, “这次经历比我想象的要好得多. 通常, 我回避这种事, but I’ve learned a lot 和 I have been able to sharpen my skills.”

Pictured is the 生物学 group working on identifying mosquitoes 和 data entry
Left: McNair student Dennis Green, 艾玛Dilbeck; Right: 蕾娜米勒, 韦森特里奥斯

The ecology group focused their research on data that was already obtained from their faculty mentor Daniel Rocha, P.h.D, who studied terrestrial mammals throughout the Amazon Rainforest using camera traps. The ecology group investigated covariates that could affect the distribution of terrestrial mammals throughout the Amazon, 例如环境因素或人为影响. They also collaborated with 学生 at Point Loma Nazarene 大学 who are continuing this investigation throughout regions in Costa Rica. Both groups of 学生 used the software program R to analyze camera trap data 和 to run models that account for the imperfect detection of animals. Ecology student researcher Caitlynne·哈金斯 reflected on the experience, “The collaboration [with Point Loma] was a one-of-a-kind experience that introduced us to the troubleshooting process of analysis in research, 并建立了一个热情的社区, ecology-loving, 学生.”

Much like the ecology group, the math group used data provided by their faculty mentor. 尼古拉斯·佐勒,P.h.D., 为学生研究人员汇编和匿名数据, but they applied the data by making graphs 和 looking for commonalities. Their goal was to see which factors have predicted Calculus 1 success with daily responsibilities such as using the software program LaTex 和 organizing data. 数学澳门太阳城官网, 迪伦江恩, said that “[his] experience with summer research has been enjoyable.” 

Dr. Zoller has served as the Summer 研究 Experience (SRE) director since the summer of 2012. He extends his gratitude to those who have served before him such as Mark Winslow, P.h.D. 当被问及他在SRE的经历时,Zoller说, “Serving as a faculty mentor has made me a better researcher. I have developed a habit of looking for research projects that both interest me 和 seem suitable for undergraduates to tackle. It’s not difficult to accomplish the former, 和 experience has been a good teacher for the latter.” He went on to explain that he is grateful that serving as a faculty mentor has forced him to branch out from his Ph.D. dissertation 和 dive into research about other fascinating mathematics. 最重要的是, Zoller finds that working with 学生 each summer helps make him a better teacher, 基督教, 和人. Zoller说, “我做得越多, the more I pay attention to my student researchers as whole persons who have rich lives beyond our interactions around our summer research project. I’ve been especially humbled by hearing some of their 基督教 testimonies. God is doing good things in the lives of faculty mentors 和 student researchers each summer in the SRE.”

Being able to provide 学生 with unique skills is what SNU is all about. Experiences such as these are what make SNU st和 out from other universities 和 are one of the many reasons why our 学生 are highly successful after graduation. SRE的学生们要感谢. 尼古拉斯·佐勒博士. 丹尼尔·罗查博士. 萧娜·约克博士. 丽莎·克罗,和博士. Caio França for their willingness 和 time dedicated to help them learn 和 grow. 他们还要感谢这所大学, 赞助商, 以及之前的学生研究人员. The 学生’ final research presentations will start at 1:30 pm on June 30th in Royce Brown Auditorium 和 are open to the public. SNU is proud to have 学生 contribute to the ever-growing field of research 和 invites all to attend this unique event.

Pictured is the ecology group on a hike in San Diego, California
从左至右:悉尼·奥利弗博士. 丹尼尔·罗查,凯特琳·哈金斯,娜塔莉·施莱夫勒.

In the feature image above are some of the student researchers on a field trip at the Museum of Osteology. 从左到右:维多利亚·彼得, Caitlynne·哈金斯, 艾玛Dilbeck, 娜塔莉Shreffler, 悉尼奥利弗, 克莱顿·霍伯, 迪伦江恩, Luis Ontiveros.







