Good News – February 2019

Good News Newsletter Headline

SNU’s Hall of Witnesses Inducts LiveLast Servant-Leaders

首尔大学的“见证堂”是为了表彰献身于基督教服务的神职人员和教友, 而提名奖学金则为教育和支持未来的基督徒仆人建立了得天独厚的资源.

最近,在首尔大学校园举行了为新一届入选者举行的午餐仪式. Dr. 总统基思·纽曼称赞他们是那种 LiveLast 基督在马可福音9章35节呼召我们成为仆人式的领袖——致力于服侍他人和建立神的国度.

Inductees were Mr. Tim Brown, Rev. James Robertson, Mr. H.C. and Arlene Rustin, and Mr. Robert C. Worth, Sr.

提姆·布朗(78届)被伯大尼拿撒勒第一教会授予荣誉,以表彰他作为成员40年的投资, a board member and officer for 7 years, 并在BFC担任了13年的全职业务管理员. Since 1991, 他还曾担任俄克拉荷马地区的财务主管,并自1997年以来一直担任SNU董事会成员.

Arlington (TX) First Church of the Nazarene nominated Rev. James H. 罗伯逊(48年),以纪念作为牧师和传福音者的78年的事工. 从1950年到1960年,他担任阿灵顿第一教会的牧师,1993年,他作为荣誉牧师重新加入工作人员. Rev. 罗伯逊在4个地区牧养了8个教会,并做了18年的全职传道人. His daughters accepted the honor on his behalf.

杜兰特,OK拿撒勒人教会的世俗领袖从1943年直到去世,H.C. and Arlene Rustin were nominated by their sons, Philip Rustin and Bart Rustin, to honor their lives of service to their church, community and family. 在社区中以建立基于基督教原则的成功企业而闻名.C. Rustin was a member of the church board for 35 years, taught Sunday School for 50 years, 他和阿琳对邦德营的发展做出了重大贡献, the District Campground. H.C. 担任首尔大学董事会成员30多年,他和阿琳在首尔大学设立了多个捐赠奖学金.

Robert C. Worth, Sr. lived an exemplary life in service to his God, family and church, and was nominated by Zita Worth, and the Worth family, 以纪念他60年来在圣体基督(TX)拿撒勒教会和断箭(OK)拿撒勒教会的领导. 在他的职业生涯中,鲍勃慷慨地为他的教会奉献了他的时间和资源. He served on the local church boards, 担任主日学教师及地区及总会代表.

Since 1996, the Ministerial Internship Program, supported by nomination scholarships to the Hall of Witnesses, 有没有提供实际的事工经验和重要的奖学金支持给呼召全职事工的学生.

To learn more about nominations to the SNU Hall of Witnesses, visit Read more about the Ministerial Internship Program at 参观南拿撒勒大学校园路德维希宗教大楼的证人大厅.

SNU Launches Inaugural Doctoral Program

这是一个为专业人士提供的项目,他们热衷于对自己的机构产生积极的影响, 在南拿撒勒大学成立了一个组织或社区. 管理与领导教育博士是一个基于队列的项目,有57个学分,大约需要32个月才能完成.

专注于健全的领导原则和基于基督教的世界观, 这个以研究为基础的项目鼓励实践者扩展他们的知识基础, examine the intricacies of leadership, 并为他们的研究领域做出贡献,同时激发他们的环境发生有意义的变化.

第一批学生将于2月27日在伯大尼校区见面, 2019 with most classes taking place Wednesday evenings, 而一些课程将在周末进行,或者将以混合结构提供. 课程将侧重于领导力、研究、合作和团队建设的各个方面. 该计划的部分内容还将涉及战略规划和发展法律知识和技能的学生, technology and administration.

Dr. Stephoni Case, Director of Graduate Programs in Education said, “推出博士学位是我们多年来一直努力实现的目标. Within the last two years, 我们已经与高等教育委员会合作,并在大学的指导和支持下制定了该计划. 最终学位对学习者的影响对他们个人来说是深远的. As a university, 博士项目将使我们的使命扩展到教育工作者, business leaders and public service professionals across Oklahoma. We are thankful and excited to now live out this dream!”

首批学员将在南拿撒勒大学的主校区见面, 第三批将于2020年1月在塔尔萨校区开设. Online cohorts will begin in the summer of 2021.

To learn more about the Doctor of Education degree at SNU, visit or contact Patti Milford at 405-491-6346 or

Spring Pastors Forum 2019

Bobby Gruenewald热衷于探索新思想,并寻找实用的方法来利用它们为全球教会服务. He serves as Pastor, Innovation Leader at Life.Church, a multi-site church based in Oklahoma. Meeting in 28 different physical locations and globally online, 教会致力于帮助世界各地的人们成为基督的忠实追随者. Gruenewald is also the founder of the YouVersion Bible App, which has been installed on over 300 million devices.

格鲁内瓦尔德与主任牧师克雷格·格罗舍尔合作,帮助塑造了生命.Church’s missional approach to technology, 通过像“教会在线”这样的倡议,接触到世界上每个国家的人们, the YouVersion Bible App, and the Bible App for Kids. 根植于一个强烈的信念,教会可以完成更多的合作,生活.教会为教会领袖创建了一套免费工具,包括开放资源, an online library of sermons, ministry resources, and ideas.

 作为教会在创新和技术应用方面的领军人物之一, Gruenewald frequently writes and speaks on the topic, and has been featured in The New York Times, Washington Post, NBC Nightly News, TechCrunch, CNN, CBS, Stanford Business Magazine, and more. 他还被《太阳城官网》评为100位最具创造力的商界人士. Prior to joining the Life.Church team in 2001, 他创办并出售了两家技术公司,并担任各种创业公司和风险投资基金的顾问. His focus now is completely on Life.教会和神每天在人们生命中所做的不可思议的事. Gruenewald和他的妻子Melissa和他们的四个孩子住在俄克拉何马州的Edmond.

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