General Education

通识教育是每个学生在首尔大学教育经历的核心. As a Christian, 文理大学, SNU expects its students to engage broadly in learning the knowledge and skills fundamental to be Christian person and leader in the communities in which they live in and work in the twenty-first century. 

The General Education program provides students with the opportunity to take approximately 57 credit hours of courses that teach and reinforce critical thinking and problem solving skills, 有效沟通的能力, 以及对人类创造力的欣赏, 科学技术, and modern world.  这是大学的核心使命, students will engage in  transformational learning experiences designed to explore what it means to seek truth together within a Christ-centered community of scholars.

想了解更多关于首尔大学通识教育课程的信息,请联系博士. 希瑟·克莱默,我们的通识教育主任 (

General Education
  • 普及教育学习成果


    在成功完成核心教育要求后, 学生将有机会获得一个受过通识教育的人所具备的知识和技能. At SNU, 我们相信要接受自由教育, 一个人必须不仅仅是在一个狭窄的知识领域里有能力的专家,但应该熟悉探索广泛的人类经验的科目. 接受自由教育, a person must be able to study all fields of knowledge openly and honestly recognizing that every field of knowledge is inextricably related to others and that, only when integrated, 接近全部真相. 在基督教背景下接受教育的人会欣赏对上帝的适当研究, 我们的世界/宇宙的基本原理, 以及人类对真理和意义的追求,这在上帝通过基督的启示中得到了体现. 我们相信,至少首尔大学的毕业生

    …explain  and/or  analyze  a  problem  based  upon  evidence supported by the discipline in order to develop an appropriate conclusion that can be reflected upon and evaluated. (批判性思维和解决问题的能力)

    通过知识的整合来解释社会责任并将其置于背景中, interpretation, 以及不同观点的应用. (社会责任)

    …obtain and synthesize appropriate evidence to construct thoughtful and coherent exchanges of information that are expressed and/or presented utilizing sound rhetorical and visual processes. (有效的沟通)

    …create a description and contextual analysis of an artistic artifact using tools of the discipline in order to interpret the meaning of the artifact and evaluate its expression. (Artistic Expression)

    可以评价科学的发展, 技术与健康的基础是基本原则, 良好的科学实践, 以及对数学模型和统计学的正确解释. (科技)

    识别全球差异,并根据特定学科的标准进行分析, 各种研究方法, 不同的世界观来解释不同的文化观点. (全球视角)

    能够清晰地表达基督教的观点如何创造和深化文化意义, personal, social, and aesthetic issues; can evaluate moral and ethical choices in light of sound interpretations of Christian scriptures based on the best available methods, Christian traditions, and the Wesleyan theological perspective; and can operationalize that analysis through active stewardship and service. (基督教经典与传统)

    To these ends, the faculty and students at SNU commit themselves to creating a learning environment that encourages and nurtures curiosity and is characterized by rigorous intellectual standards; a methodology requiring understanding prior to judgment; the freedom to study all fields of human knowledge and behavior critically, openly, and honestly; and the practice of civil discourse that demonstrates respect for all those involved in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom (i.e.(教师、学生和科目).

  • 通识教育转介等同课程

    Specific course equivalencies for some SNU General Education course requirements have been identified among common transfer courses from other Oklahoma institutions. 学生可选修指定课程,而毋须填写选修申请表. 详情请咨询首尔大学注册处(405-491-6386)。.

    The 首尔大学通识教育转学课程等同课程 已使用adobeacrobat创建页面. 为了阅读手册,您必须在计算机上安装acrobatreader. 如果您没有acrobatreader,请单击 this link and download it free.

    首尔大学通识教育在俄克拉何马州机构的普通转学课程之间的等效性这些页面将向您介绍1999-2000年俄克拉何马州高等教育课程等效性. As of spring 2000, 首尔大学将承认下列指定首尔大学通识教育要求的课程等效性. This list may also be accessed through the Univisor “Resources” tab on the option bar at the top of your personalized Univisor page.

    This information is intended for present SNU students whose future plan of study may include an Oklahoma transfer course. You do not have to fill out a substitution request form to substitute one of the specified Oklahoma courses for a course in the SNU General Education requirements.

    如果你打算从德州学院或大学转学课程, 咨询一下可能会有帮助 德州公共课程编号系统转移指南 浏览相关课程列表. However, 首尔大学还没有自动承认这些德州等同, 因此,建议您提前申请批准德克萨斯转学工作.]

    点击这里进入的主页 俄克拉荷马州课程等效项目.

  • Honors Program

    南拿撒勒荣誉准备有天赋的学者为他们周围的世界服务. 我们的课程旨在激发创造力, 跨学科的分析, 促进学生与教师之间的指导, 并使学生在毕业后能够进行高质量的本科研究. 通过要求参与服务学习和跨文化体验, 我们教积极进取的学生以身作则. 通过鼓励卓越的学术和创造性的分析, 我们培养终身学习者,他们将利用自己的智力天赋来丰富专业知识, social, 以及他们生活的宗教团体, 从首尔大学的校园社区开始. Honors Program students not only lead the larger community of students around them but nurture a community that values scholarship and service. 南拿撒勒荣誉学院的目标是鼓励学生挑战自我, 努力不懈,尽其所能,作真实敬虔学问的最好见证人.


    The Tangible

    • 荣誉奖学金涵盖最多20小时的学费
    • 特别的大一体验课程
    • 荣誉课程所需的通识教育学时减少
    • 进入图书馆荣誉休息室
    • 入学后提前报名上课
    • 扩展网络打印权限

    The Intangible

    • 与优秀的教师建立个人指导关系
    • 在一个不同的,但积极和有天赋的学习者社区的成员
    • 根据学生的兴趣提供研究机会
    • 奖学金和助学金资助学术优秀的工作
    • 加强准备和建议后学位专业和澳门太阳城官网院的经验
    • 增加了跨文化体验和国际旅行的机会
    • Formative, integrative, 以及长期的服务学习经验,以了解我们周围世界的需求
    • 通过积极地运用自己,超越自己所相信的局限而获得的自我认识


    • 在1月1日之前提交申请,就有机会赢得一张价值25美元的亚马逊礼品卡!

    Who Can Apply

    •  非临时的首尔大学新生
    • 成绩优秀的首尔大学新生


    • ACT 25分或以上/ SAT 1100分或以上(数学+语言)
    • 高中毕业班前10%优先
    • Credit or waive-status for Comp I completed/received student’s fall semester freshman year (this can be met by concurrent enrollment, AP or CLEP testing, 或者仅仅在ACT的英语部分得25+)



    • 荣誉证书网上申请表格
    • 荣誉项目入学论文(如适用):
      • 如果你的ACT成绩低于25分/ SAT成绩低于1100分, 你必须完成这篇短文才能进入荣誉课程.


    每个申请都是单独评估的. 符合所有标准并有积极推荐的申请人将优先接受, first-served basis. 当我们达到最大学生人数(22)时,申请人将被添加到等待名单中.


  • Academic Research

    Research in Learning

    Students at 南拿撒勒大学 have many opportunities to be actively involved in research opportunities as a part of an enriched academic experience and pursuit of knowledge in the chosen fields of study. Our faculty often work together with students in a mentoring relationship to explore together what they may discover through research. 虽然主要是一所教学型大学, 首尔大学致力于将研究作为体验式学习的一部分,以实现卓越的学术追求.


    Federal compliance requires that any research conducted using human subjects must be approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) to ensure safety and ethical practice of the research. The SNU IRB is made up of SNU faculty and community representatives who are very qualified to determine the appropriateness of research conducted through SNU on human subjects.

    Research for Grants

    补助金研究也是首尔大学研究工作的一部分. 我们的一些大学项目是由私人和政府资助的,这些项目需要声音的展示, 通过广泛研究获得的统计数据.


    Students at SNU interested in research to further their knowledge of their chosen field of study are provided excellent opportunities for academic research throughout their academic career at SNU. 以下链接是首尔大学学生参与的研究信息. 这里的信息是对首尔大学学生开放的研究机会的抽样. More information about student research opportunities can be obtained by contacting the various academic departments/schools.

    Honors Program 本科生研究研讨会

  • 新生学习社区

    At SNU, 我们相信,最好的学习发生在学生, 教职员工在社区中共同工作. 我们也相信高中教育只是为你在大学取得成功做了部分准备. 这与对大学生活和工作的一套全新的、不同的期望有很大关系. 美国各地的学生都在努力适应这种转变. 我们希望你能顺利过渡到大学. 为了帮助你做到这一点,我们设计了一种叫做“学习社区”的方法.

    作为首尔大学的新生, 你应该在第一学期参加一个配对课程学习社区. This means that you will enroll in two linked classes with a group of other freshmen like you and you will see the same classmates 5 days a week all semester. 班级规模很小,平均在20到35名学生之间,以创造一种熟悉的氛围. 在同样的两个班级里,和同样的一小群学生在一起, 你会找到一群可以一起学习的朋友. 你们会互相支持,变得更有效率, 第一学期成功的大学生, 什么能让你在四年后顺利毕业.

    You will meet your Learning Community professors at the same time you meet your fellow students – during our four day New Student Institute (NSI). 教授将作为你的导师, 甚至在上课前就在非正式的场合(包括拜访他们的家)了解你! The faculty have chosen to participate in this program because it lays a solid foundation for greater levels of engagement and learning while here at SNU. The professors who teach these Learning Communities have worked together to design a learning experience that will help you connect with them and your peers, 向你介绍在大学阶段有效学习所需的技能, and empower you to integrate the knowledge and skills you are learning in both courses to create something significant and meaningful.

    Finally, 你会认识更多的首尔大学教员, staff, 还有那些相信自己的成功是由你的成功来衡量的学生. During the semester, 您的学习社区将有机会参加由学生发展工作人员领导的过渡支持研讨会, 在图书馆和研究素养的会议上与图书馆馆长和图书馆教职员工见面, 在学期结束前,高年级学生将领导关于入学通知准备工作的讨论. The faculty, 为学习社区服务的员工和学生将会亲自了解你, 帮助你识别并运用上帝赋予你的力量, 并帮助你发展成为我们以基督为中心的学者社区的高效成员.

    如果您对首尔大学的学习社区有任何疑问,请联系 Dr. Dennis Williams教与学主任; Dr. Heather Clemmer,通识教育主任,或 Mrs. Misty Jaggers他是学生成功处处长.

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